On top of my academic work I like to contribute to the public discourse on inequality or more general labor market issues. Below you can find some of these (mostly German) policy-oriented publications or examples of when my work was covered in the media.
Together with Annika Sperling I wrote a DIW Wochenbericht on the development of working hours in Germany since the 1990s: Durchschnittliche Arbeitszeiten sinken, Gesamtarbeitsvolumen auf Rekordhoch.
This was covered and nicely illustrated by Süddeutsche Zeitung: So viel arbeiten die Deutschen wirklich.
Together with Annika Sperling and Marcel Fratzscher, we also wrote a column for ZEITonline: Sollen wir alle noch mehr arbeiten?
In the aftermath of the DIW Wochenbericht, I commented on family-friendly work arrangements with RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland: Familienfreundliche Arbeitszeiten: Was Eltern wirklich helfen würde.
I was interviewed by the online and print magazin handwerk.com to discuss the 4-day work week and flexible working time arrangements: 4-Tage-Woche: Keine Standardlösung im Kampf um Fachkräfte.
Together with Barbara Stacherl and Daniel Graeber I wrote a DIW Wochenbericht on the development of mental health in Germany since 2002: Psychische Gesundheit: Abstand zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland wird kleiner.
This was covered by Süddeutsche Zeitung: Was Boom und Rezession für die Psyche bedeuten (€)
I commented on the lack of real wage growth in the light of labor scarcity for an article in Frankfurter Rundschau: Wenn Unternehmen so dringend Personal suchen – warum steigen die Löhne dann nicht?
I was interviewed by RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland to comment on how to combine labor market flexibility with job security for employees: Flexicurity 2.0: Wie sich Flexibilität im Job mit Sicherheit vereinen lässt (€)
I participated in the talkshow Deutschland3000 and discussed what we know and what we don't know about the 4-day work week. The show is available in the ARD Mediathek
I was interviewed about the 4-day work week in the rbb Abendschau. Unfortunately, the full interview is not online anymore, but parts of it are still available on Twitter.
Based on my article "Earnings Inequality and Working Hours Mismatch" I wrote a DIW Wochenbericht (together with Carsten Schröder): Entwicklung der Arbeitszeiten treibt die Ungleichheit der Erwerbseinkommen.
This was covered (and nicely illustrated) by Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wie die Arbeitszeit Ungleichheit verschärft (€)
The Weekly Report is also available in English: Changes in Working Hours are Driving Earnings Inequality.
In a special edition of DIW Aktuell prior to the federal elections, I commented on how to improve the German Minimum Wage Law (together with Alexandra Fedorets): Mindestlohn: Nicht nur die Höhe ist entscheidend.
In an op-ed with Alexandra Fedorets published in Süddeutsche Zeitung, we propose the introduction of a "Fair Pay"-Label: Her mit der "Fair Pay"-Plakette! (€). Free version available on the DIW Homepage.